Perhaps the most visible of the many programs for Alabama’s seniors is the Senior Activity and Nutrition Centers. These centers are the central location for numerous community-based programs available to anyone aged 60 or older and their spouse. In addition to providing hot, nutritious meals, the centers are used to provide informative programs as well as the opportunity to socialize with peers. Through participation in the Senior Centers, seniors are offered numerous access services such as transportation to doctors’ offices, drugstores, public service agencies, and grocery stores.
Other senior programs include the following:
Alabama Connect provides trained professionals who educate seniors and caregivers about available home and community based services.
The Medicaid Waiver program provides home and community based services to those persons who are recipients of Supplemental Security Income, State Supplementation and who demonstrate a degree of disability and frailty that might otherwise require nursing home placement.
The Senior Aides program provides part-time employment and training for eligible older persons with limited income.
SenioRx Prescription Drug Assistance Program is a partnership is between state agencies, community organizations, the medical field and pharmaceutical companies to assist eligible persons with free prescription medicines.
State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) provides consumer education and counseling, enabling seniors to understand Medicare, Medicaid, Long- Term Care Insurance, and Medigap policies.
The Ombudsman Program provides help to long-term care residents, their families and friends by protecting their rights and ensuring that residents receive fair treatment and quality care.