A regional council is a public agency encompassing and serving a multi-jurisdictional regional community. It is found on, sustained by, and directly tied to Alabama local governments through state law, regional compacts, inter-governmental agreements, and articles of incorporation.
Through communication, planning, policy-making, coordination, consultation, advocacy, technical assistance, and program management, the regional council serves the local governments and citizens in the region. These councils frequently address issues and needs which cross municipal and county boundaries and, in come instances, state boundaries.
Regional councils serve a sub-state district which consists of a group of neighboring counties and municipal governments whose residents are joined by common political, economic, social, geographic and public service interests. Representatives of the geographic areas within the district make up a Board of Directors for each region. The individual region council’s Board of Directors oversees the policies and activities for that particular district.
Across the state, regional councils have different names, such as Regional Planning and Development Commission, Council of Governments, or Regional Commission. Regardless of the name, regional councils carry out many of the same functions and responsibilities. Each region can also provide specialized services as requested by the regional council’s Board of Directors to respond to specific local or regional needs.