Due to the diversity of basic services offered from region to region, it is difficult to readily identify “special programs.” Not all special services are offered by all regions. Examples of unique services are mentioned to emphasize the flexibility and potential that is available through Alabama’s twelve regional councils.
- Assisting in Municipal Incorporations
- Establishing Special Districts and Authorities
- Establishing and Managing Regional Solid Waste Disposal Authorities
- Voter Redistricting and Identification Projects
- Government Consolidation Studies
- Annual Operating and Capital Improvement Budgets
- Personnel Policies and Job Descriptions
- Operating Procedures Manuals
- Intergovernmental Agreements for Facility Development and Services
- Service Fee and Rate Analysis
- Codification of Ordinances
- Street Numbering and Naming
- Mapping
- Geographic Information System
- Housing Weatherization Programs
- Natural Disaster Assistance Programs
- Commercial Floor Space Studies
- Archaeological Projects to Locate Indian Villages and Early Settlements
- Public Building Space Utilization Studies
- Public Transit Services
- Annexation Studies
- Rails-to-Trails Projects
- Historic Preservation
- Metropolitan Planning Organizations(MPOs)/Transportation Planning
- Rural Planning Organizations(RPOs)
- Job Training Programs
- Industrial Site Atlases
- Economic Development Financing Counseling
- Bond Prospectus Assistance
- Revolving Loan Funds
- Economic Atlases
- Youth Leadership Programs
- Vietnam Veterans Programs
- Pre-Retirement Seminars
- Arts and Crafts Festivals
- Senior AIDES Programs
- Head Start
The variety of special programs clearly demonstrates the ability of a regional council to act as the “umbrella agency” for numerous programs. They can sponsor pilot programs which may be “spun off” or consolidated under the regional council. They can also operate long-term basic services.
Regional councils are the multi-service agencies to supplement and compliment those services provided by local governments.